Figurative Paintings
"Artists Fred Cuming, Peter Blake and Fred Dubery were early influences in my discovering the delights of figurative painting at Walthamstow School of Art in the early 1960s. It was hard not to be moved by their enthusiasm and amazing vision of form, colour and narrative at a time of major changes in the world of art and music - a revolution against the drab austere post war years of the kitchen sink school.
Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art and music announced the arrival of a counterculture in art and society. This coincided with my three post-graduate years at the Royal Academy Schools. It allowed me the time and studio space to fine tune my skills under the influence of visiting lecturers Derek Greaves and William Scott surrounded by numerous galleries packed with contemporary art.
Although my recent work is more experimental I still have forays back into figurative painting. It's a bit of an obsession, hard to abandon altogether, immensely pleasurable to pursue, but often challenging to achieve . . ."